December 10, 2011

Happy Particles

Under Speeling Waves

01. Aerials
02. Infinite Jet
03. Slowness 03:51   
04. Guide Dogs Of The Inner Cities   
05. Offline Contact   
06. Reprise   
07. Come Home All Dead Ones   
08. Empty Circle   
09. Classes In Silence (for Jess)   
10. AM Sky (Bleary)

This lovely debut from Glasgow slow-core melodists Happy Particles may be sneaking out as a self-release on December 25, but don’t be misled by their low-key approach: the ambient vistas conjured therein could rival those of Sigur Rós.
Much of this is down to Steven Kane’s ethereal voice, but when your band shares stellar personnel with Remember Remember (Kane, Graeme Ronald and James Swinburne play in both outfits) then there’s a fair bet that epic, virtuosic melodies will unfurl – and so they do.
‘Slowness’ is awash with chamber post-rock – the strings throughout the album are gorgeous – while the slow-release splendour of ‘Empty Circle’ starts off like the Blue Nile and ends up in the stars, and you hope Happy Particles follow suit.


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